The seminar on the results of dissertation research by sister Indah Saraswati was held offline in Building J room 305 at 08.00-10.00 WIB. The research results seminar is a presentation of analysis of research results obtained by students in preparing their dissertation and presented to lecturers and colleagues to get advice on moving to the next stage.

Sister Indah’s dissertation research was entitled “Maritime Environmental Protection Strategy for the Silugonggo River Channel in Juwana”. The research results seminar was attended by Prof. Dr. Ir. Sutrisno Anggoro, MS (Promoter), Prof. Dr. Dian Wijayanto., S.Pi, M.M., M.SE (Co-Promoter I), Dr. Andi Prasetiawan, S.Sit, M.M., CPFF (Co-Promoter II), Dr. Ir. Suryanti, M.Pi (Examiner), Dr. Ir. Frida Purwanti, M.Sc (Examiner), Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S.Si, M.Si (Manager) and colleagues from the MSDP Doctoral Study Program.

Based on the presentation of the research results in the seminar, Sister Indah was declared able to proceed to the next stage, namely the Eligibility Examination with several revisions that had to be corrected first. Keep up the enthusiasm and good luck!