Semarang, Thursday | February 27, 2025
The final exam is closed as the end of a student’s journey to obtain a doctorate degree at Diponegoro University. The stages in achieving a Doctoral degree are not easy, through various seminars, research, and the process of writing scientific articles which is full of struggle. On February 27 2025, the Water Resources Management Doctoral Study Program gave birth to its 193rd new doctor, Dr. Capt. Indah Saraswati, M.T., M.Mar. who is registered as a DMSDP Study Program student in 2022.
The closed final exam took place offline in Building J room 307 FPIK Undip at 10.00 – 12.30 WIB. In his dissertation presentation entitled “Maritime Environmental Management Strategy for the Silugonggo River Channel on the Juwana Coast” Promovendus provides an overview of the use of the Silugonggo River channel which is very diverse, starting from shipping activities such as visiting, refueling ships, loading and unloading. As well as other activities such as shipbuilding and community economic activities. All these activities cause water pollution. TPI Unit 2 had an oil spill during the process of refueling and disposing of ship waste. Oil content at this value can disturb the view of the waters because it causes the water to look cloudy and disrupts the visual appearance, smell and taste of the water, making it unfit for consumption. Maritime environmental management strategies that need to be prioritized in the Silugonggo River channel are synchronizing the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, developing policies related to the maritime environment, monitoring community fishing business activities, as well as building fishing ponds and supporting infrastructure.
The Closed Examination was led by Prof. Agus Trianto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Dean of FPIK and as Examiner), as Chair of the Session, accompanied by Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S.Si., M.Sc. (Head of the Study Program), as Secretary of the Examination Session with Examining Team Members consisting of; Dr. Capt. Iskandar, SH, MT, M.Mar (External Examiner from the Semarang Maritime Science Polytechnic); Dr. Ir. Frida Purwanti, M.Sc (Internal Examiner); Dr. Andi Prasetiawan, S.Sit, M.M., CPFF (Co – Promoter); Prof. Dr. Dian Wijayanto., S.Pi, M.M., M.SE (Co – Promoter); Prof. Dr. Ir. Sutrisno Anggoro, M.S. (Promoter). Based on the assessment results from the Closed Exam Examiner Team, a.n Indah Saraswati, was declared PASS with the predicate CUMLAUDE and became the 193rd graduate of the Aquatic Resources Management Doctoral Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University and was the first Doctoral graduate for students in the Class of 2022. Congratulations and success on your new title, Dr. Capt. Beautiful! Continue to work in the development of science and make a real contribution to the welfare of society, maintaining the good name of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences and our beloved alma mater, Diponegoro University.