Semarang, Thursday | January 9, 2025

The final exam is closed as the end of a student’s journey to obtain a doctorate degree at Diponegoro University. The stages in achieving a Doctoral degree are not easy, through various seminars, research, and the process of writing scientific articles which is full of struggle. On January 9 2025, the Water Resources Management Doctoral Study Program gave birth to its 192nd new doctor, namely Dr. Restiana Wisnu Ariyati, S.Pi., M.Si

The Dissertation Closed Examination was carried out offline by Promovenda Restiana Wisnu Ariyati in Building J Room 307 FPIK Undip at 08.00-11.30 WIB. Closed Examination led by Prof. Agus Trianto, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D (Dean of FPIK), as Session Chair and Examiner, accompanied by Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S.Si., M.Sc. (Head of the Study Program), as Secretary of the Exam Session with Examining Team Members consisting of; Prof. Ir. Purnama Sukardi, Ph.D. (External Examiner) from Jenderal Soedirman University; Prof. Dr. Ir. Sarjito, M. AppSc. (Examiner); Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Rejeki, M.Sc (Promoter); Prof. Dr. Ir. Johannes Hutabarat, M.Sc (Co-Promoter I); Dr. Ir. Haeruddin, M.Si (Co-Promoter II). In his dissertation presentation entitled “Shelter and Feed Technology in Raising Crab (Portunus pelagicus) in Ponds” Promovenda provides an overview of the success of crab cultivation requiring a multi-factor approach that considers feed quality, cultivation environment design, and physiological nutritional support, with a focus on strategies that can reduce stress, suppress cannibalism, and increase survival. The addition of the amino acids tryptophan, glycine, or their combination to crablet (Portunus pelagicus) feed provides varying results on various parameters. The use of substrate and shelter, especially Gracillaria sp., significantly reduced the level of cannibalism from 54% in the treatment without substrate to as low as 4% in the treatment with sand substrate and Gracillaria sp. The highest survival rate of 88% was achieved in the treatment using sand substrate with Gracillaria sp., indicating that this combination provides the most optimal environment for crabs. Promovenda has taken a bachelor’s degree at Diponegoro University majoring in Fisheries, graduating in 2002, then was accepted as a civil servant lecturer in the Aquaculture Department from 2003 until now. Promovenda continued his Master’s studies at the Coastal Resources Master’s Program graduating in 2007. In 2012 Promovenda got the opportunity from the NFP (the Netherland Fellowship Program) to take a 3 month short course at Twente University on “Principles of Geo-informatic Science and Earth Observation” Furthermore, in 2015, StuNed (Studeren in Nederland) had the opportunity to take part in a short course for 1 month at Wageningen University regarding “Responsible aquaculture development for food security and economic progress”.

Congratulations and success on your new title Dr. Rest! Continue working in the development of science, educating the next generation, and advancing the welfare of society. Always maintain the good name of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences and our beloved alma mater, Diponegoro University.