Semarang, Thursday | June 30, 2022

The closed final exam is the end of a doctoral student’s journey at Diponegoro University. The stages in obtaining a doctoral degree are not easy, through various stages of colloquiums, seminars, eligibility, and the process of writing scientific articles with so much struggle. On June 30, 2022, the Water Resources Management Doctoral Study Program again gave birth to a new 173rd doctor, namely Samsul Rizal with NIM 26010115510004.

The closed final exam will take place in a hybrid manner in Building J Room 305 and virtual via Zoom Meeting at 10.00-12.15 WIB. The dissertation research presented was entitled “Pond Management Strategy in the Mahakam Delta Based on Pyrite (FeS2) and Gradient Salinity Distribution”. The distribution of pyrite in ponds is influenced by watersheds and distance from the sea, pyrite has a very strong relationship with SO4. Differences in salinity tend to have different pyrite concentrations, ponds with higher salinity tend to have lower pyrite concentrations than others. Changing the management of existing ponds with pond management with a pyrite management approach and making specific standard procedures on pond management with a pyrite management approach. Shows alternative pond management in the Mahakam Delta, namely pond management with salinity and pyrite management approaches (0.312), pyrite management approach (0.222), and pond Biophysical Management (0.155).

Closed Examination led by Dr. Agus Trianto, ST., M.Sc. (Vice Dean for Division 1 FPIK), as the Chairperson of the Session and Internal Examiner, accompanied by Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S.Si., M.Sc. (Prodi Manager), as Secretary of the Examination Session with members of the Examiner Team consisting of; Dr. Ir. Komsanah Sukarti, MP. (External Examiner); Dr. Ir. Haeruddin M.Si. (Internal Examiner); Dr. Ir. Komsanah Sukarti, MP (Internal Examiner); Prof. Dr. Ir. S. Budi Prayitno, M.Sc (Promoter); Prof. Dr. Ir. Sutrisno Anggoro, MS (Co-Promoter I); Prof. Dr. Ir. Johannes Hutabarat, M.Sc (Co-Promoter II). Based on the results of the assessment from the Closed Examination Examiner Team a.n. Samsul Rizal NIM 26010115510004, it was declared PASS with several notes and became a graduate of the 173rd Doctoral Program in Water Resources Management FPIK Diponegoro University. Congratulations and good luck on your new title Dr. Samsul Rizal! Continue to work in the development of science and make a real contribution to the welfare of society, maintain the good name of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences and the beloved alma mater of Diponegoro University.