On Thursday, July 21st 2022, a Dissertation Research Colloquium exam by a doctoral student in Aquatic Resource Management named Wahyu Adi took place virtually in Zoom Meeting from 09.00 – 11.20. The discussion of the exam is to determine the progress of the preparation of dissertation research proposals by students to be conducted. This exposure aims to get criticism and suggestions by lecturers and students to the advanced stage.

The proposal entitled “Seagrass Ecosystem Management in Coastal Areas, around Tin Mining Activities, Bangka Belitung Islands province”. Wahyu Adi explained the framework, the purpose of the research, the methods that will be used to support the ongoing research and the work procedures that will be carried out up to the timeline for the preparation of activities.

The colloquium proposal exam was attended by Prof. Dr. Agus Hartoko, M.Sc (as Promoter), Dr. Pujiono Wahyu Purnomo, MS. (as Co-promoter I), Dr. Udhi Eko Hernawan, S.Si., M.Sc (as Co-promoter II), Prof. Dra. Norma Afiati, M.Sc., Ph.D (as Examiner), Dr. Ir. Suryanti, M.Pi (as Examiner) and Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S.Si, M.Si (Manager of the Study Program) and the colleagues of doctoral study program.

Based on the colloquium exam that has been presented, He is given criticism, suggestions and input for the continuation of research so that research can run smoothly. Keeping up your spirit towards the next stage. Good Luck!